2024 is the Year of the tercentenary of the Russian Academy of Sciences!
In the 50th also anniversary issue of the journal Biomics, an article "THREE HUNDRED YEARS OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND OTHERS LIKE IT" dedicated to this date was published. The tercentenary of the Russian Academy of Sciences is an event of global significance and scale, included in the UNESCO list of memorable dates! The Russian Academy of Sciences is one of the few all-Russian institutions that has such a long, continuous, 300-year history and should certainly be proud of it.

The scientific electronic peer-reviewed journal as a network publication "Biomics" was established by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute of biochemistry and genetics of the Ufa scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences on January 28, 2011. The registration number of the online publication in Roskomnadzor is EL no. FS 77-75584 dated 19.04.2019. The Biomics is assigned ISSN 2221-6197. In its activities, the editorial Board of the journal is guided by the Law of the Russian Federation "on mass media". The term of activity of the journal "Biomics" is not limited.
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